Q - I would like to use the dishwasher for my event, what do I need to do?
A- Users need to properly understand how to to operate the equipment before use. Please contact us and we will arrange to meet you there and show you how to use it. The is a simple and brief run through to ensure correct operation. Instructions are also posted on the wall adjacent to the dishwasher.
Q - I have never hired the Village Hall before, what do I need to do?
A - Everything you will need is to be found on the Bookings page.
§ Firstly check the availability of the Hall for the date(s) you have in mind. This can be done online from the top of our Bookings page or by email to [email protected].
§ You can also provisionally reserve your booking online by clicking on the time slot/room you would like to reserve.
§ Then complete the Bookings Form and return it to us, we will also require a deposit.
§ You MUST read and agree to the Conditions of Hire BEFORE making your booking.
§ Please also note the Handy Hints for Hirers and also the duties of your designated Fire Officer if you are conducting a public event.
You will find everything you need on the Bookings page, but do please use the details on the Contact page if you have any questions or need help.
Q - Why do you require a deposit?
A - The vast majority of Hall users are people just like you, considerate and respectful of the facilities we offer. We do require a deposit into our bank account, the amount is then returned to the user when the hire is successfully completed. If paying by cheque we do cash cheques rather than hold them. Occasionally there is damage to the fabric of the building and we charge accordingly for repairs and renovation. We do charge for any additional amount over and above the deposit to complete repairs. It is very important that hirers read and agree our Conditions of Hire as this means you agree to accept responsibility for any additional charges that may be incurred.
Q - Where can I get the key?
A - The key is available at the Village Shop (The People's Market) in the centre of the village. It is open from 7am to 8pm every day of the week (6pm Sundays). Please return the key promptly for the benefit of the next user.
Q - The key isn't there, what should I do?
A - Call 02392 632812 or 02392 633999. These are members of the Committee who live locally and have a key. Do not contact the Parish Council, they are distinct from the Village Hall.
Q - What is the Ron Turner Room (Bar Room)?
A - This addition to the Village Hall was made possible by a generous donation from Hambledon resident, Ron Turner. The room has been variously known as the Function Room and Ron Turner Room but is now referred to by the descriptive term Bar Room
A- Users need to properly understand how to to operate the equipment before use. Please contact us and we will arrange to meet you there and show you how to use it. The is a simple and brief run through to ensure correct operation. Instructions are also posted on the wall adjacent to the dishwasher.
Q - I have never hired the Village Hall before, what do I need to do?
A - Everything you will need is to be found on the Bookings page.
§ Firstly check the availability of the Hall for the date(s) you have in mind. This can be done online from the top of our Bookings page or by email to [email protected].
§ You can also provisionally reserve your booking online by clicking on the time slot/room you would like to reserve.
§ Then complete the Bookings Form and return it to us, we will also require a deposit.
§ You MUST read and agree to the Conditions of Hire BEFORE making your booking.
§ Please also note the Handy Hints for Hirers and also the duties of your designated Fire Officer if you are conducting a public event.
You will find everything you need on the Bookings page, but do please use the details on the Contact page if you have any questions or need help.
Q - Why do you require a deposit?
A - The vast majority of Hall users are people just like you, considerate and respectful of the facilities we offer. We do require a deposit into our bank account, the amount is then returned to the user when the hire is successfully completed. If paying by cheque we do cash cheques rather than hold them. Occasionally there is damage to the fabric of the building and we charge accordingly for repairs and renovation. We do charge for any additional amount over and above the deposit to complete repairs. It is very important that hirers read and agree our Conditions of Hire as this means you agree to accept responsibility for any additional charges that may be incurred.
Q - Where can I get the key?
A - The key is available at the Village Shop (The People's Market) in the centre of the village. It is open from 7am to 8pm every day of the week (6pm Sundays). Please return the key promptly for the benefit of the next user.
Q - The key isn't there, what should I do?
A - Call 02392 632812 or 02392 633999. These are members of the Committee who live locally and have a key. Do not contact the Parish Council, they are distinct from the Village Hall.
Q - What is the Ron Turner Room (Bar Room)?
A - This addition to the Village Hall was made possible by a generous donation from Hambledon resident, Ron Turner. The room has been variously known as the Function Room and Ron Turner Room but is now referred to by the descriptive term Bar Room